Teams / Committees
We have several committees whose work supports our church, our community, and our world.
Hospitality - Worship - Mission - Generosity - Staff Parish - Trustees - Church Council - Finance
Radical Hospitality of the Paradise United Methodist Church is where the planning and specifics for that outreach happen. Committee members are volunteers who have experienced the love of God for themselves. Their goal is to help others experience the love of God and involve them in the life and ministry that is the United Methodist Church.
The Radical Hospitality Team works in cooperation with the pastor and the Church Council and is concerned with persons who are not members in any local church, the church’s own inactive members, and the care of all its members. Its responsibilities include bringing PUMC to the attention of the community via various advertising schemes as well as working with community organizations, community functions, and the church to identify and reach out to persons who are neither members nor active in a church.
The purpose of the worship committee is served by volunteers and assists the Paradise United Methodist Church in offering settings for worship in which the community may experience the presence of God and may grow in its knowledge and love for Him. The Worship Committee is the committee responsible for assisting in the church community worship experience. This committee includes several sub-groups that enhance the worship experience.
The following ministries fall under the auspices of the Worship Committee:

The Risk Taking Mission (RTM) consists of a group of volunteers whose tasks cover a very wide spectrum of issues and projects such as the Lunch With Us Program which works in cooperation with other area Churches to insure that the lonely and destitute have a daily hot meal. RTM also works in conjunction with the Community action Agency to support SHOR (Sojourners House on the Ridge) whose help shelters the ridge’s homeless during the winter months. The RTM Committee also plays an active role as the sponsors of the "Marvelous Methodists" team for Paradise’s annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
Additionally, RTM supports the UMCOR Coffee Project and the distribution of monthly communion offerings to such worthy causes as the Oroville Rescue Mission, the United Methodist Shasta Camp, outreach assistance for aid to victims of fire/floor/earthquake and other natural disasters, Help-4-People (a Paradise food bank), Samaritan Free Clinic (Paradise Lutheran), and Youth Camp & Conference (activities) Scholarships.

The Extravagant Generosity Committee consists of volunteers whose job it is to monitor and oversee funds that are bequeathed to the Church via wills, trusts, and other sources. The Endowment Committee ensures that the bequeathed monies are securely invested in an interest baring fund.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) works as a team within the congregation to suggest how to best handle some of the joys, concerns, and/or issues of the Church’s staff and/or pastor. The SPRC is responsible for interviewing and hiring new staff, assessing and evaluating current staff and the pastor, and identifying candidates for ordained ministry. The SPRC’s job is to also discern what the pastor needs, what the staff needs, and what the congregation needs and how to bring those needs together for the ministry. Staff or pastoral joys, concerns, and/or issues may be referred to the SPRC by way of the SPRC Chair and/or one of the SPRC Committee members. SPRC Committee members are volunteers who are recommended and selected by the Worship Committee.
The Board of Trustees are the stewards of God’s house. They are volunteers that serve as the committee members who are responsible for maintenance of the property and for seeing that it complies with local, state and federal laws. They also negotiate and enforce contracts with tenants and monitor the use of the property by outside groups. Trustees are responsible for applying our mission of help and fellowship to the property.
The Church Council as structured at Paradise United Methodist Church serves as its executive oversight body. The function of the Church Council is to focus on the shared vision of the congregation, guiding various groups to interact in support of that vision with a common decision regarding priorities.
The required elected members include the Lay Leader, the Chairperson for the Council, Lay Members of Annual Conference, Secretary of the Council, Church Treasurer and the Financial Secretary. Representatives of required administrative groups include Chairpersons of Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Board of Trustees, Lay Leadership Committee, Evangelism/Outreach/Advertising Committee, and Finance Committee. The areas of Church mission currently represented on the Church Council also include Chairpersons of the Risk Taking Mission Committee, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Passionate Worship Committee and Methodist Pairs and Spares. Programs related to Nurture, Outreach and Witness are usually included in the reports from the Pastor but special task-force groups can be established to address specific areas of program or function.
The Finance Committee is made up of volunteers who prepare and monitor an annual budget, including all monetary income and expenditures relative to the church’s finances. It also has included in the budget an amount of money to be raised by special fund raising activities in addition to regular pledges and Sunday offerings. Special activities are designed to bring church members together in creative and fun related activities. The Finance Committee also oversees all endowments and wills as well as financial responsibilities to the General Conference.